1. Complaints Procedure and terms.

    19.1 In the unlikely event the customer experiences a problem with the service provided by the company, we must receive this complaint in writing in order to take further action. Please write to: Head Office at 20 Beechwood road South Croydon CR20AA at the earliest opportunity. Upon receipt of this complaint, the company will endeavour to resolve the matter as soon as reasonably practical. Where we cannot resolve a complaint using our own complaints procedure Dispute Resolution Ombudsman for dispute resolution. In the unlikely event of a complaint arising and you wish to refer the complaint to them please contact 0333 241 3209 or via their website http://www.disputeresolutionombudsman.org

  2. Gas Plumbing Solutions limited always endeavors to provide the best service for every customer. However, on rare occasions, there may be times where a customer may not be completely satisfied.

  3. Gas plumbing solutions terms 2024

    Our fully qualified central heating installers will carry out installation works in accordance with the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998.
    – We are registered with Gas Safe and carry out work to the relevant British
    * Products and fixtures installed will be in accordance with British Standards BS. 6891, 6798, 5449, 5546, 5440-1/2.
    * Redundant pipework and fixtures will be disconnected and removed from the site.
    * The installation of part or item will be covered by our 1-years guarantee on workmanship.
    * Any electrical work to be carried out by an NICEIC qualified electrician.
    * Protection of our client property is paramount and part of our quality standard.

    Terms and conditions of the Gas Plumbing Solutions limited

    1.1 In these terms and conditions (which are referred to in this document as “these terms”), the “Customer” means the customer for whom the works are to be carried out by GPSltd (GPSltd MEANS THE GAS PLUMBING SOLUTIONS limited abbreviated), and the “Company” means GPSltd or, wherever the case may be, a subcontractor or representative of the company carrying out business pursuant to a Subcontract The agreement was entered into with the company.

    1.2 “Contract” means the agreement between the Customer and the company to carry out the works of which these terms form a part and (where these terms are a schedule to a signed agreement between the Customer and the company.)

    1.3 (“The Agreement) “Works” means the works described in the company estimate
    or any other document or email issued by the company, as may be varied by agreement in writing between the parties. For the purposes of these terms, “in writing” includes by email and any document which is set out in a handheld device and any signature on a handheld screen shall be treated as in writing.

    2. Hourly Rate of Work

    2.1 Any hourly rate advised to the customer by the GPSltd or its representatives will exclude any supply of parts that may be required. An invoice will be provided with the final price for the works that have been carried out for the customer which will include the labour and any equipment or parts that have been supplied Millage and in some cases Call out fees.
    All charges payable will only be for work carried out as stated above.

    3. Any Acceptance Of Works

    3.1 We the GPSltd reserve the right to refuse or decline any work at our own discretion. If the company agrees to undertake works for a customer, it will be done so by authorised representatives of the company only.

    4. Quotation and fixed-priced works

    4.1 All quotations provided are done on an ‘as is’ basis, and are not a fixed price quotation or firm price. The company reserves the right to increase the price to any works being carried out, equivalent to the increase of cost to the company including additional materials, labour, equipment hire and transport since the date of the provided quotation (either done so in writing, email or orally) unless the final price exceeds the quotation price by more than 15%, by which the customer may cancel the contract provided it does so prior to any works commencing (including the order of materials or equipment hired). ‘If there are any unforeseen circumstances after agreeing the contract or the work has started, no further works will be undertaken until there is an agreement between both parties for the works and costs of this.’
    We Agree that the customer must always be informed and or if we discover the cost will be increased.
    4.2 Any quotation by the GPSltd are subject to withdrawal at any time before acceptance by the customer within 7 days.
    4.3. Any quotation provided by the company may be effected in the following circumstances:
    4.4. If after the submission of the estimate by the GPSltd, the customer instructs the company (whether in written or orally) to provide additional works or services not referenced or detailed within the quote.
    4.5. The customer will reimburse the company for any reasonable costs that are incurred (including labour, materials and equipment hire) upon any acceptance of a quotation which is then cancelled by the customer.
    4.6. The company reserves the right to charge for the collection of any materials, parts and equipment from any supplier, except for works where an estimate has been provided beforehand. If the collection of those materials takes part while the company is on-site, time taken for this will be treated as part of the works and charged at the applicable rate. If any materials are ordered for subsequent collection and delivery, a charge may be made by the company of up to 20%.

    5. Illustrative or Descriptive Of Works

    5.1. Any illustrations, descriptions, imagery either displayed on the company’s website, in marketing materials (both offline and online), price lists or others are intended merely as a guide of what general idea of works and services provided by the company may cost. It will never form part of any contract.

    6. Prices And Payment
    6.1. All invoices are due for payment immediately upon completion of satisfactory of works /or of any delivery to the customer. (A call representative may call to collect payment directly on Job completion)
    6.2. All appointments made for works to be carried out with the GPSltd are done so with all payments must be made upon completion of satisfactory of works /service /delivery.
    6.3. Where a prior written agreement has been arranged for Account Customers with the company, full payment is due within 14 days of the satisfactory of completion of works and delivery of invoice.
    6.4. The company will be under no obligation to provide or issue any guarantees, certificates or other similar documents to the customer for works until full payment has been made. (If payment is being withheld due to unsatisfactory work or faulty goods then this will be resolved between the two parties or a third party. Under such circumstances, paperwork will be given while awaiting the final solution to any issue.)
    6.5.  ‘Where any services or works provided by the company are subject to any sort of snagging, the customer will agree to retain only a reasonable amount (in proportion to the work that has been completed) of the quoted sales price until the date that all works have been completed.  The customer must provide the company access without delay to allow the snagging to be finalised and completed.  Payment for the remaining balance will be due on completion of these works.’

    7. Inspection, Delivery And Completion Of Works

    7.1 All times provided by the company are estimates only. We will inform customers of the start date and the expected time of completion but we can never accept responsibility for any late/non-attendance at any site, or for the late/non-delivery of any equipment or materials. But we will always do our best to stick to the schedule.
    7.2. The company will use all reasonable efforts to start and complete the works on time, but shall not be liable to the customer or any third party if the works prove impossible due to events or unforeseen circumstances beyond the company’s reasonable control.
    7.3. From time to time we will send out a member of staff to evaluate our workers and ensure that they are working to the standards set out in law and of the GPSltd.
    7.4. A customer care representative may visit the premises on completion of any job to ensure the quality of service and customer satisfaction.

    8. Indemnity

    8.1. The customer shall indemnify the Company against any and all actions, claims, demands, suits, losses, costs, expenses and charges which the company may suffer or incur in connection with a claim by a third party, resulting from a breach of the customer’s obligations, undertakings and representations and warranties in connection with this contract.

    9. The company’s liability is limited to:

    9.1. Liability for personal injury or death resulting from negligence in the course of carrying out the companies duties
    9.2. The reasonable costs of repair or reinstatement of damage or any loss to the customer’s property, should this result from the negligence of the company or its employees, agents, franchisees or subcontractors, and the customer incurs such costs.
    9.3. The company will not hold any responsibility for any damage suffered unless upon investigation it is shown that the damage was due to negligence on the part of our company.
    9.4. To a part of any property where the damage is in whole or in part a consequence of a defect or weakness in that part of the said property.
    9.5. The company will not hold responsibility or liability for damage caused whilst investigating and repairing any plumbing, gas or drainage work, including blockages whether Internal or to the external of the said property
    9.6. If damage to plaster and brickwork is caused it will be the customer’s responsibility to repair and take on any cost that comes with it. We cannot accept responsibility for any damage to wallpaper,
    paintwork, tiles, carpet, furniture etc. Silicone work does not carry any guarantee.
    9.10. The customer has the responsibility to protect items of furniture, furnishings, fixtures and fittings. We will always make reasonable efforts not to cause damage. The customer will at all times ensure the environment is safe for the company and its employee’s/representatives for the purpose of carrying out the works.

    10. Removal Of Waste And Materials

    10.1. The company is not responsible for the removal of any waste materials. It is the responsibility of the customer to remove any/all waste materials resulting from the works carried out by the company. If a removal company is used that we supply by the customer request, the customer will be liable for all the cost incurred for this removal.

    11. Cancellations

    11.1 In the event of any cancellation of the contract by the consumer, the company may seek to claim any reasonable costs arising from any breach of contract.

    12. Frozen pipes

    12.1 The company will not be held responsible for any fractures found in frozen pipes attended by the company, and the GPSltd cannot guarantee to clear blockages occurring within frozen pipes or drainage systems.

    13. Defects
    13.1. Apart from the exclusions listed below, the company undertakes to make good and repair any defect in completed works that have been undertaken by the company within 6 years of the completion date of the same, but only to the extent that such defect arises from the breach of the companies obligations under this contract.
    13.2. All such defects must be notified to the company by the customer in writing within the said period, and the company and its insurers must be provided with the opportunity to inspect the work and any alleged defect.
    13.3. Following the inspection, if it transpires the alleged defect is not the result of any work or service carried out or provided by the GPSltd, WE THE company reserve the right to make a charge to the customer for the inspection visit at its standard hourly rate. Unless there was a snagging list that is presented prior to the completion of the works.

    Exclusions are:
    13.6. Any parts or materials supplied by the company will only be provided with the manufacturers or suppliers guarantee, and are not guaranteed by the company.
    13.7. Any systems or structures which have not been installed by the company
    13.8. Any defects resulting from the misuse, wilful act or faulty workmanship by the customer or any other third party working for or under the direction of the customer.
    13.9. Any structural defects, such as but not limited to subsidence and its resultant effect.
    13.10 Any damage to drainage systems caused by any outside force or root penetration.

    14. Permits, Licenses, Regulations And Other Consents/Access

    14.1 It is the customer’s duty to ensure suitable permission, permits, licenses and all other consents from the owner/landlord/agent/organisation, and/or planning permission if necessary is obtained prior to installation work carried out by the company. The company will not be held responsible for any damage to the property (such as fixings, holes etc.) If this has not been obtained, and in the event of equipment supplied or installed requiring removing or re positioning, extra charges will be incurred.
    14.2. The customer shall provide clear access to enable the company to undertake the works, and will make all the necessary arrangements with the proper persons or authorities for any traffic controls and signals required in the connection with carrying out the works.
    14.3. The customer shall obtain permission for the company to proceed over property belonging to neighbours or third parties if this is necessary. The customer shall indemnify the company in all aspects of the claim from neighbouring/third party properties arising out of the presence of the company or its employee’s/representatives.
    14.4. The customer will at all times ensure the environment is safe for the company and its
    employee’s/representatives for the purpose of carrying out the works.
    14.5. Where applicable to drainage works and services, the customer shall provide the company, if possible, a plan of the drain layouts. If this is not available, the company reserves the right to make additional charges at the applicable rate if blockages occur in drains not covered or identified by the customer.
    14.6. By instructing the company to proceed with any works as agreed, it is thought by the company the customer has sought the necessary permission as set out above. The customer will be liable to the company for all loss and damage whether indirect, direct or consequential which has been suffered by the company as a result of the failure or delay on the part of the customer in performing the obligations as detailed above.
    14.7. If works are carried out through one of our agents but not through the company, rather the customer has contacted the engineer privately, then we can not be held responsible for any works, damages or services that were performed with that engineer. The customer must deal directly with that engineer themselves
    15. Guarantees

    15.1. Any guarantee provided by the company shall be for labour only, in respect of faulty
    workmanship from 12 months of the date of completion. Any parts, equipment or components supplied by the company will be covered by their respective manufacturer’s warranty.
    15.2. The companies guarantee will become null and void if the work/appliance is completed/supplied by the company is:
    15.3. Subject to misuse or negligence
    15.4. Repaired, tampered with or modified by anyone other than a company operative/representative. The company accepts no liability for (or guarantee suitability for) materials supplied by the customer or other third parties, and will not accept liability for any damage or faults as a result.
    15.5. The company will not be liable or responsible for any damage or defect arising from work not fully guaranteed or where recommended work has not been carried out.
    15.6. The company is unable to guarantee any work in respect of blockages in waste and drainage systems.
    15.7. The company is unable to guarantee any work which has been undertaken on instruction by the customer, against the companies/ operatives advice/recommendations.
    15.8. The company will only guarantee work directly undertaken by the company and its employee’s. Any work carried out on behalf of the company by agents or those who work on their behalf will be guaranteed under their own respective policies.
    15.9 The company will not guarantee work where the customer has been notified either verbally or in writing by the company of any related work which requires attention.
    15.10. The customer shall be solely liable for any hazardous situation in respect of Gas Safe regulations, or gas warning notice issued unless otherwise caused by our Gas Safe operative.
    15.11. All Gas Safe engineers operate under their own Gas Safe registration, and as such are solely responsible for any gas related work and subsequent liability.

    16. Intellectual Property Rights

    16.1. All content of this website, including graphics and logo’s remain the sole property of the
    company, and are not to be copied, reproduced or distributed either in part or full, without our prior written consent.

    17. Gas safe Certs/Travel

    17.1 We the company reserve the right to supply gas safety certificates when payments have been made in full by the said customer. Our standard price cover two Appliances and a charge of £28+vat if applicable is charged per any additional appliance.
    17.2 We reserve the right to charge for the mileage travelled by the engineer of as to the current price charges per mile covered to reach any Quotation or Works that are carried out by our engineers.
    17.3 For any free Quotes that are outside of the 4 mile radius of CR7 8, a call out charge of £45 will be charged to the customer and will need to pay within 24 hours of invoicing. This is refundable if the customer accepts the quotation within 8hrs of receiving the quote for the said works.

    18. Landlords/estate agents

    18.1 Landlords/estate agents must pay all invoices within 15 days upon the completion of the said works invoiced.
    18.2. We reserve the right to charge £5.75+VAT for any quotation that has not been accepted to cover travel costs.
    18.3. All complaints and Issues must be subjected in writing at admin@gps-ps.co.uk in order for the case to be dealt with effectively. Telephone conversations will not be accepted as proof of complaints
    18.4. If work has been carried out by us and then we are sent back on the belief that the same issue has arisen, we reserve the right to charge a fee of £45+VAT if we diagnose that the issue is a different one from the original work completed by ourselves. This is to be paid within 24hrs of the call out haven been attended.
    18.5 All Workmanship is covered for 1 year, any parts installed are under the manufacturer’s guarantee or warranty.
    18.5 We reserve the right to be notified if after work has been completed issues arise within 24 hours of the discovery. We will not be liable if another company is called out to do works that we have not had the opportunity to correct ourselves if upon being informed we have not tried to rectify the issue within 10 days or written notice, you the customer must let us know in writing of intended action before and give us 48 hours to respond.

    19. Complaints Procedure

    19.1 In the unlikely event the customer experiences a problem with the service provided by the company, we must receive this complaint in writing in order to take further action. Please write to: Head Office at 2a Lenham Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey, CR7 8QS at the earliest opportunity. Upon receipt of this complaint, the company will endeavour to resolve the matter as soon as reasonably practical. Where we cannot resolve a complaint using our own complaints procedure Dispute Resolution Ombudsman for dispute resolution. In the unlikely event of a complaint arising and you wish to refer the complaint to them please contact 0333 241 3209 or via their website http://www.disputeresolutionombudsman.org

  4. Gas Plumbing Solutions limited always endeavors to provide the best service for every customer. However, on rare occasions, there may be times where a customer may not be completely satisfied.


    20. Notice Of Your Right To Cancel

    20.1 The customer has the right to cancel this contract within fourteen calendar days starting on the day the notice of right to cancel is issued. Should you send your cancellation notice in writing via post, it is recommended you retain the proof of postage by a certificate of posting, or recorded delivery slip. We advise that all notices of rights to cancel are sent via email. Notice of cancellation is deemed to be served as soon as it is posted/sent

    21. Work carried out prior to the expiry of the cancellation period:

    21.1. By signing a written quotation, you agree work will commence before the 14 day cancellation period expires, and should you subsequently cancel in accordance with your rights, you are advised that reasonable payment may be due for any work carried out, including labour at the applicable rate. Unless you have agreed to waiver your rights via email or signature.

    22. Use of this site

    22.1 In no event will we be liable for any loss or damage including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any loss or damage whatsoever arising from loss of data or profits arising out of, or in connection with, the use of this website.
    22.2 Every effort is made to keep our website up and running smoothly. However, GPSltd takes no responsibility for, and will not be liable for, the website being temporarily unavailable due to technical issues beyond our control.

    Accepting this quote means you agree and accept our terms and conditions.

    Bank Details:

    BANK NAME: Tide
    Sort code: 04-06-05

    We look forward to working with you

  5. All prices are subject to vat